Blog Article

Why You Should Integrate Your HR Platform with HireSelect


Anyone who’s involved in the hiring process knows how challenging it can be to manage all the moving pieces. For every single job you’re hiring for, you first need to create a job description; this job description then gets posted across a variety of different job boards online or throughout your IRL networks; next, applicants start flowing in, each sending in a resume or application, but also often sending in other documents like cover letters, work portfolios, or certifications; and then you have to shuffle all of these candidates through each stage of the hiring process, from phone screening to in-person interview to formal offer and more.

Keeping track of all these jumbled elements can be exhausting, which is why many companies rely on HR software, like ATS or HRIS platforms, to stay on top of it all. Some platforms provide tools for managing your entire HR department, from payroll and benefits, to hiring and onboarding. Others specialize in certain elements of the HR workload – like ATS platforms, which more specifically focus on tracking applicants through the hiring process.

Many companies are using more than one platform to manage different parts of their jobs, but sometimes it’s really important that the platforms are able to communicate with each other. This is where integrations can bridge the gap.

An integration is basically a connection between two platforms that enables them to share information, either back and forth or in one direction. For example, take HireSelect®, our pre-employment testing platform. HireSelect enables you to administer pre-employment tests to candidates, view their results, and move them through a hiring pipeline. If you already have an ATS platform that you use to track applicants through the entire hiring process, then it follows that you’d want to be able to administer tests and view their results within your ATS platform. In other words, you’d like to manage all your hiring needs within one system, by combining all the information on your candidates in one place.

An integration makes this possible, and HireSelect integrates with a ton of different ATS and HRIS providers. There are a number of key benefits to integrating HireSelect with your HR platform, including:

  1. Real-time data visibility
  2. Lower complexity
  3. Greater efficiency
  4. Better communication

Integrations make the entire hiring process more seamless and efficient, giving you more time to spend on the human side of the hiring process. Does your current HR platform integrate with HireSelect? Check here to find out!

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