Blog Article

Introducing Our New Workplace Insights Report


We recently wrote a post that touched on the importance of integrating feedback throughout your candidate experience in order to build a strong and positive impression of your organization. One of the exciting features we mentioned in that post was our new candidate-friendly Workplace Insights report, a powerful new tool that can help you create a positive brand experience for candidates.

Organizations openly acknowledge the importance of creating a positive candidate experience, and yet many struggle to deliver a cohesive experience for candidates – a fact that underscores the data. According to the Talent Board, only 4% of candidates believe their candidate experience was positive enough to maintain a relationship with that company, whether by applying again or by referring others to apply.

Even though the pandemic has turned the labor market on its head, we at Criteria believe a great candidate experience isn’t a “nice to have,” but rather a necessity. With that in mind we’ve invested considerable time and effort into thinking about ways to create better candidate experiences through our assessment platform.

We believe that candidates are equal stakeholders in the talent acquisition process. As a result, one critical ingredient to creating a positive experience is feedback. The need to get feedback from candidates, and to provide feedback to them in return, is at the very heart of one of the most exciting features we’ve developed this year: Workplace Insights.

Our new Workplace Insights report is an easy-to-read, candidate-facing report that gives organizations the ability to share insights with candidates to help these individuals understand their strengths, as well as identify opportunities for growth and development. Here’s a sample of what a candidate’s personalized report will look like:


Sample Score Report


Available to all our customers, Workplace Insights can be sent to any candidate who takes the Employee Personality Profile (EPP). If you’re a Criteria customer, you can easily turn on this feature and start sending these reports automatically to new candidates. We have also made it simple to download and share the report so that internal teams and hiring managers can understand the profile of potential new hires, or just get a view into the candidates applying for open jobs.

For organizations that opt to turn Workplace Insights on, candidates will be made aware of the report – and their eligibility to ask for one – when they receive an invitation to take the EPP with clear guidance that they will need to complete the test in order to receive the report. With this added incentive, candidates are encouraged to complete the assessment, creating a positive moment during the assessment process.

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