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Introducing Live Interviewing: A Smarter Way to Interview

Take your interviews to the next level with structured interviewing made simple.

Live Interviewing by Criteria

Everyone interviews. But are they conducting interviews in the best way?

Structured interviews are two times more predictive of job performance than unstructured interviews, yet only a quarter of hiring professionals say they conduct truly structured interviews.

Why are so few organizations conducting structured interviews? The reasons are fairly clear. Structured interviews can be tedious and unwieldy to conduct. In our own survey, we found that the biggest hurdles preventing people from conducting fully structured interviews include things like:

  1. Developing the process
  2. Defining the interview questions
  3. Defining the evaluation rubrics
  4. Getting hiring managers to comply, and
  5. Collecting and analyzing the results from multiple evaluators.

At Criteria, our goal is to help our customers make better talent decisions by increasing the talent signal they’re getting from their selection methods. The science is clear that structured interviews increase the talent signal and drive better talent outcomes. But in order for structured interviews to truly work for our customers, we needed to reduce some of the hurdles that were getting in the way.

That’s why we built a solution to make structured interviewing SIMPLE.

Introducing Live Interviewing

Criteria’s Live Interviewing solution enables you to create and conduct structured interviews with ease. The best part is that it’s a highly flexible solution that fits seamlessly into your existing processes.  

live interviewing tool


Here are some of the ways that Live Interviewing breaks down the hurdles that are preventing hiring teams from conducting structured interviews.

Hurdle 1: Developing the process

Solution: It’s hard to change your existing processes. With Live Interviewing, you don’t have to! Live Interviewing is a solution that works WITH your existing process by easily adding structure to the ways you already conduct interviews.

Use the solution alongside your live in-person interviews, during phone interviews, and during video interviews. You can even keep using your video conferencing tool of choice (e.g., Zoom, Teams, Skype) and simply pull up the Live Interviewing solution alongside it.

Hurdle 2: Defining the interview questions

Solution: Choose questions from a pre-built library of interview questions. Or create your own to target specific job-related competencies. Plus, you can set up your own templates to save time and reuse for multiple roles, enabling you to set up a highly scalable, repeatable process.

library of interview questions

Hurdle 3: Defining the evaluation rubrics

Solution: Create evaluation rubrics that all your interviewers can use to score responses. This ensures all candidates are evaluated consistently and objectively.

rating system

Hurdle 4: Getting hiring managers to comply

Solution: Live Interviewing makes it easy for hiring managers to jump right in, quickly see what questions they should ask, view the evaluation guides for each response, and submit their answers. No extra effort needed!

Hurdle 5: Collecting and analyzing results

Solution: This can be one of the messiest parts of conducting structured interviews, but Live Interviewing makes it effortless. Once each interviewer has rated a candidate, the platform combines the results into a final score report, making it easy to compare candidates in a fair and objective way. Gone are the days of keeping scattered notes on paper and trying to compare them with your fellow interviewers.


Live Interviewing finally makes it easy to conduct structured interviews. The science is clear that structured interviews help organizations make better talent decisions. In today’s challenging talent market, adopting structured interviews isn’t just a competitive advantage – it’s a critical necessity.

Interested in learning more about Live Interviewing? Get in touch to request a demo.


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